A downloadable game for Windows

Chica is hungry and wants to devour you! 🍕👀 But to avoid becoming her snack, she wants you to find pizzas for her instead! 🏃‍♂️🍕

Hey everyone, how’s it going? I’m back with another game for you all!

This time, it’s a FNAF game featuring Chica as the main character. It includes three super well-animated scenes that I think you’re really gonna enjoy, and the gameplay is inspired by the SlenderMan game.

Hope you have fun with it!

Rated 3.7 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)
AuthorLusty Labs
GenreAdventure, Puzzle
Tags3D, Adult, Erotic, Five Nights at Freddy's, Horror, NSFW, scary


Windows 0.1.0

Install instructions

- Extract the Game! 

- Play


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hey it wont let me play this game it just sends me to your paetron and i need to be a member to download it so can you please fix it?

unable to download and play 


Her face looks pretty bad. Its got to be the empty space in the middle of her face caused by moving her mouth too low or making it too small. Actual krillin tier model design. Like even the player characters mask has a nose because you dont want empty space on a characters face.

The game incorrectly calls her "nightmare chica". This is not a nightmare animatronic.

Minor spelling error: "get on my belly" should be "get in my belly". This line is also stupid, I know its a porn game I an should suspend my disbelief but why would the dude think she would even be able to eat him? He mouth is so cartoonishly small, why would that ever be a thing you'd think about? Idk, maybe if there was some intro screen where she unhinges he mouth to each a giant plastic pizza wall decoration then maybe it would make more sense? Its still a pretty unscary line even if it did have context and shes not scarry either. I feel like a better threat would have been to say that she would call her friends over or something.

The escape text clips through walls. I dont understand game development but I think this happens because the text is being loaded into the world and its not actual text on your screen im guessing.

Instead of calling the player homeboy, I think pretty boy would have sounded better.

The papers are extremely reflective. It might just be because its a demo but one of the papers should have a big letter (E) on it to show players which buttons this game uses to interact.

Having simple loops for sex animations is fine since its a demo but I really hope theres cuming animation as well in the future. Its something I and a lot of people would really push for.

The walls arnt entirely sound proof or maybe the ai's hearing isent complex enough but she can hear you and start running when it doesnt seem like she would be able too.

She will also start running and then stop for some reason. I assume this is because her hearing range is a circle around her and if she moves herself outside of this range then her ai treats it like you escaped her range. This isent really a problem or that important of a bug, I just felt like pointing it out. 

There is no way to skip the intro.

I dont know how I feel about the sprinting in this demo. Every game gives you the ability to sprint so what I can say that hasent been already said before. It depends on who you ask and how good you are at creating maps but I think something more like replacing your sprint with a shoulder charge would be more original, I was thinking once you press the shift button your character is locked into moving faster in a straight line with you losing your ability to turn your camera, which would make it impossible to turn corners. This idea would turn long corridors that you are often likely to get seen in as you main way of charging away from the enemy and prevent you from escaping as easily in tight rooms with a lot of stuff in them which are often places that cause the enemy to lose line of sight anyway.

The enemys footsteps could be harder to hear or maybe you should add props around the map that make noise when close to them to help hide the footsteps.

Her turning around to change walking directions lacks animation and she just walks in place to turn around.

There is a lot of security breach themed items, when in the story are we? This doesnt look like the mega pizza plex either. Again, I feel an intro would help with this.

There are some black cables on the wall and they look very low res. Why are there so many fucking lights?


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